

Teras Beach Volley League (TBVL)/ Biitsi Volley League – Manual 21/22 



Teras Beach Volley League is a unique and novel beach volley tournament series that is played in the format of a sports league. 

The season runs from November 2021 until the end of March 2022 and is finished with a play-off tournament at the end of the season. The play-off/ finals tournament is a big 1-2 day volley fest, where the best male and female teams fight for the top spot. 


The main benefit of a league system is freedom. Specifically, players can choose when to play their matches. Typically, volley tournaments are hosted as long one-day events on the weekends, clashing with other weekend plans and making it difficult for some players to set aside the time. TBVL, though, is also a reasonable option for indoor volley players or others, who might have weekends booked, but are available to play 1-2 matches during weeknights. 


To make the scheduling easier, Teras Beach will post the match-ups and suggested weekly schedule for games. That way teams would have some guidelines to follow and not fall behind the general schedule, however, they would still have the freedom to decide which weekday and time they would like the match to take place. If there happens to be a by-week where a team can’t play at all, they have an option to double up on games the next week. Teams just need to make sure to hit certain mileposts during the season. 

Also, Teras Beach will set aside 3-6 (more if needed) standard playing times on Sunday mornings that can be used for the league games. If teams are having trouble finding a common time, these would be the default times for games. 


In contrast to quick and tiring one-day tournaments, The League offers an opportunity to play full-length matches and players can bring their best to each match. Who wouldn’t want to play to their full potential every match without the typical end-of-the-day exhaustion!? ;)



o   Registration to The League ends 30.10.2021.

o   Teams can register on the www.beachvolley.io site. (Direct link to event to come)

o   Registration is final when the licensing fee of 100€/pair is paid. Invoice will be sent upon registration.

o   Court fee for league games is 40€ instead of the regular full price, regardless of time/day. 

o   Depending on the number of participants, all teams will play each other 1 time throughout the season.

o   At the end of the season all teams will be invited to the final tournament where the front-6 and back-6 ranking is played out in a different tournament and winners are recognized with awesome prizes.

o   Maximum 12 teams can participate each season.




o   The deadline for changing your partner is 20.11.2021. To change your partner, contact the organizer before the given date by sending an email at:  (lauri.arumeel@terasbeach.ee)

o   All games are played full-length:  Best of three sets, first two sets to 21 points and, if required, third set to 15, with two-point difference in all sets.

o   After each game, the scores must be sent to the organizer via email: lauri.arumeel@terasbeach.ee or told to the bar staff. Game results must include the names of participating teams and full scores. 

Example: Johnson/Smith – Davis/White 2:1 (21:15, 17:21, 15:13)

o   Organizer is obligated to update the scores weekly (previous week’s results posted by the following week’s Monday at 14:00). Live ranking will be visible to all participants on the www.beachvolley.io  site. 

o   Several games can be played on one day and games can be played ahead of the schedule. 

o   Teams who fall behind the schedule by 3 weeks will be given a warning and if no games are played in the following 2 weeks, the team will be withdrawn from the competition.


All Teras Beach Volley League games will be live streamed via Teras Beach Facebook page and are also saved on Teras Beach Facebook page.

Teams participating in the league need to follow government’s rules regarding the Covid-19 situation (vaccination certificate/rapid test).


  • Start date:01/11/2021 00:00
  • Entry fee:100.00 EUR
  • Location:Tallinn, Lõuka 6
  • ģ
  • Entry deadline: 30/10/2021 23:59
  • Withdrawal deadline: 30/10/2021 23:59
  • Categories: Division A
  • Organizer: Teras Beach Tallinn




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